
What is a state, signs and characteristics of a state

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What is a state, signs and characteristics of a state
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The state is a complex political and social entity that plays an important role in the life of society. It includes territory, population, government and legal system. It is states that are and have been the subjects of legal analysis, historical and cultural processes. They are studied in political science, sociology, and history of international relations courses. The concept of the “state” has been the subject of many philosophical works since antiquity, and the image of the ideal ruler began to excite intellectuals long before Niccolo Machiavelli’s treatise The Prince.

Theories of the origin of the state

Наразі існує чимало теорій походження держави, в яких інтелектуали намагалися пояснити, яким чином спільнота людей настільки консолідувалася, щоб підкорятися законом та поступатися правами в обмін на захист та безпеку з боку держави. Наведемо кілька найбільш популярних теорій:

  • The theory of contractual agreement. This theory, proposed by T. Hobbes, D. Locke and J.-J. Rousseau, states that the state emerged as a result of an agreement between people who agreed to transfer some of their rights and freedoms to the state in exchange for protection and public order and security;
  • The patriarchal theory emphasizes that the state emerged as a result of the development of the family organization of society. The first form of government was the patriarchal community, where the head of the family performed the functions of governance over the entire group;
  • The theory of force. According to this theory, the state arose out of society’s natural need for protection from external threats. Gradually, military structures emerged and turned into the government;
  • The theory of evolutionary origins. Its supporters believe that the state developed gradually through the interaction of various social groups and institutions. It was the result of the evolution of social structures;
  • The theory of religious origin is divided into 2 trends: some supporters of the theory believe that states were created by God, while others emphasize the power of religious authority, when power over society was based on faith and religious beliefs.

These theories reflect different views on the origin of the state and reveal different aspects of its formation and development. There are also more original versions of the origin of the state, including the alien one.

The main features of the state

One of the most important features of a state is its territory, which includes the land surface, water resources and airspace. This territory is the basis for determining the boundaries and borders of the state. Other features of a state that distinguish it from pseudo- and proto-states:

  1. Population: The state unites the population living on its territory. It consists of citizens of the state who have certain rights and obligations to the authorities.
  2. Government. One of the key characteristics of a state is the existence of the government, which ensures the organization and management of society. Power is usually divided between the executive, legislative and judicial branches.
  3. Sovereignty: A state has the right to establish its own laws and to decide its internal and external affairs without external interference.
  4. Legal system. Every country has a legal system, which includes laws, a constitution, and other regulations. It regulates relations between people and the government, as well as between people and each other.
  5. Diplomatic relations. A state typically has diplomatic relations with other countries, which consist of mutual recognition and cooperation in various areas, such as trade, cultural exchange, and political support.

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Main types of political systems of states

The political system of a state is an important aspect that determines the way a society is organized and functions. Different political systems have different ways of making decisions and distributing political power. Understanding the main types of political systems allows us to better understand the nature of each state. The following types of political systems are distinguished:

  • Democracy: A political system in which power is vested in the people or their representatives and governance is exercised through elections and broad citizen participation in decision-making;
  • Autocracy: A form of government in which power is concentrated in the hands of one or a few individuals and decisions are made without significant popular participation;
  • Oligarchy. A political system where power is held by a limited group of people or clans who have a great deal of influence over decision-making and resource allocation;
  • Totalitarianism. A system in which the government controls all spheres of public life, seeking to subjugate every aspect of citizens’ lives and effectively suppress opposition;
  • Monarchy: A system where supreme power is vested in a monarch, who may have limited or unlimited powers depending on the type of monarchy (constitutional, absolute, etc.);
  • Republic: A form of government where the head of state is elected by citizens or their representatives for a certain term, and power is exercised through elections and representative bodies.

To summarize

A state is a complex entity characterized by its territory, population, government, and legal system. They determine the way society is organized and functions. Understanding these features of a state helps to better understand its essence and to understand its relations with other actors in the international community.

Answers to frequently asked questions about the concept of “state”

What functions does the state perform?

The state ensures the maintenance of order, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, regulates social and economic relations, ensures national security and is responsible for internal and external affairs.

What is state sovereignty?

Sovereignty is the highest form of state power, which is expressed in its right to independently establish laws and resolve internal and external issues without interference from other states.

What is the importance of the legal system in the country?

The legal system regulates the relationship between people and the government, ensures compliance with the law, protects the rights and freedoms of citizens, and contributes to the stability and development of the state.


The author of the Portal UKRexperts

Anastasia Nikitenko


She is an expert in military science and legislation, a historian by profession, and a PhD in history. She has been actively publishing articles on legislation since 2018 and has gained considerable experience in analyzing criminal, civil, family and medical law. Anastasiia teaches the courses "History of the Ukrainian Army" and "Medical Law" to future doctors. In her articles you will find a simple and clear explanation of complex things, practical advice that will improve your legal literacy and allow you to better navigate the law.

Most often writes about:LegislationMilitary science
On the portal from 08.03.2024
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