How to remember when to put an apostrophe in Ukrainian? Examples of words with apostrophe

Read also our article: Ukrainian alphabet – how many letters are in the alphabet?
The apostrophe is inherent not only in Ukrainian, but also in foreign languages, such as French and English, where it is used to indicate a word contraction. Does this fact make the Ukrainian language closer to European languages? Yes and no. Ukrainians also use an apostrophe to indicate a truncated colloquial form of a word (ba’ instead of baba, ma’ instead of mom, mo’ instead of can). But its main function is quite different. In this article, we will explain where it came from in Ukrainian spelling and when it is appropriate to use it.
Apostrophe: the historical aspect
It turned out that in Old Slavonic writing, when the “ъ” sign still conveyed a reduced vowel, an icon very similar to an apostrophe was used to indicate softness. After the orthographic reform in 1918, the use of a hard sign at the end of words was abandoned, and the “ъ” was removed along with other printed letters, although its use was not abolished in general. For this reason, an apostrophe was used to separate the pronunciation of words in the middle of a word until the middle of the twentieth century.
Remember. In the modern Ukrainian language, an apostrophe is used to indicate a firm, separate pronunciation. This is the main principle that should not be forgotten.
Where and how to use an apostrophe: rules with explanations
The role of the apostrophe in language is to indicate the separate pronunciation of the labial (i.e., those sounds that involve the lips) sounds b, p, v, m, f before i, y, e, and z, which indicate a yoked (double) sound, thereby simplifying the pronunciation of the entire word. This makes our pronunciation more melodious and makes it easier to pronounce words. To make sure that you can’t do without an apostrophe, try saying “unite” with a softened “b” or “blush” with a softened “m” out loud. We think you will definitely feel the difference.
Remember. The most important principle of using or not using an apostrophe is pronunciation (hard or soft), avoiding the coincidence of several consonants, and harmony, the beauty of speech. If you realize this, your speech and spelling will be error-free.
The apostrophe should be used before i, y, e, and ie if they indicate a double sound:
- after the sounds b, p, v, m, f: beat, five, bind, meat, giraffe;
- after k only in the word Lukian and its derivatives: Lukianivka, Lukianchuk, Lukianets;.
- after prefixes: bezynuclear, dilute, union, depart;
- after the first part of compound words, provided that the consonant is pronounced firmly: kindergarten, Ministry of Justice, pan-European;
- after p, if it denotes a hard sound: constellation, feather, courier, Maryana.
Peculiarities of using apostrophe in words of foreign origin
For some reason, many students and adults find it difficult to write words of foreign language origin with an apostrophe. However, it’s actually easier than it seems, and you should remember a few rules. An apostrophe before i, ю, е, ё can only be used in two cases:
- after the hard consonants b, p, v, m, f, g, k, h, j, h, j, r: pedestal, career, interview, Genevieve, Donaghy;
- after the final consonant in prefixes: adjutant, injection, conjuncture;
- There is no need to put an apostrophe in two cases. Remember that it is not used in words:
- before i: curiosity, million, serious;
- when a consonant is pronounced softly before i, ю: lectern, bureau, budget, mash, cure, fuselage.
Video – rules for using the apostrophe
It’s even easier to remember when to put an apostrophe if you watch a video about philological curiosities.
Do you want to get useful mnemonic life hacks to make your apostle’s marks without mistakes? Watch YouTube videos on our portal!
Thus, the rules for writing an apostrophe, although at first glance they seem complicated, should not cause difficulties. Reading works of Ukrainian literature, listening to professional speakers, and taking test exercises on the Internet will help you improve your skills. Speak and write beautifully and correctly!
Answers to frequently asked questions about the use of the preposition
Mnemonic techniques can help you, for example, MAPA BuF.” If you remove all the vowels from it, you’ll see the consonants that need to be followed by an apostrophe. You can also use the online Ukrainian spelling simulator.
Yes, but you need to read Ukrainian literature or works by foreign authors translated into Ukrainian. This improves memorization of spelling rules and general literacy.
The apostrophe is not used in the word “mashed potatoes” because the letters indicate the softening of the preceding consonant.
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