
Coat of Arms of Ukraine: decoding, history of creation. When is the day of the coat of arms of Ukraine

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Coat of Arms of Ukraine: decoding, history of creation. When is the day of the coat of arms of Ukraine
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The coat of arms of Ukraine is one of the state symbols that indicates the historical traditions of our country and tells about the formation of its Ukrainian people as a nation In this article, we will look at the decoding of the elements of the coat of arms, its history of creation, and tell you when the Day of the Coat of Arms of Ukraine is celebrated.

The history of the coat of arms of Ukraine – from the tenth century to the present

During the reign of Volodymyr Sviatoslavych, Prince of Kievan Rus’ from the Rurik dynasty (956-1015), the trident, the coat of arms of Ukraine, became an important symbol of his rule and domestic policy. Volodymyr, better known as Volodymyr the Great, minted coins with his portrait on one side and the trident on the other. It closely resembles the modern coat of arms of Ukraine.

The trident was also one of the elements used to decorate the helmets of noble Russian vigilantes. Initially, the future coat of arms of Ukraine was depicted as three sharp arrows pointing in different directions. Over time, it became a solid structure and incorporated the symbolism of the number three, the shrine of the Trinity and the Trinity.

The history of the trident during the Hetmanate is interesting. It can be found on canvases depicting hetmans and officers, on folk icons, in the decoration of weapons and armor. Also, banners have survived to this day where you can see the trident on a red or crimson field.

The national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people in the early twentieth century gave the trident a completely new meaning. During the Ukrainian People’s Republic of 1917-1921, the trident was included in the state symbols and was the coat of arms of Ukraine.

In 1918, the Ukrainian national army used the trident as an emblem on its flags and as the coat of arms of Ukraine. During the Soviet era, the use of the trident was suspended, but it remained a living symbol of national self-perception and was used in the symbols of the OUN-UPA.

The history of the coat of arms of Ukraine – watch a scientific and educational video on our portal

The coat of arms of Ukraine has a rich history full of different contexts. Want to learn more? Watch the corresponding YouTube video on our portal!

Interesting facts about the coat of arms of Ukraine – watch a YouTube video on our portal.

Коли відзначається день герба України?

День герба України відзначається 19 січня. Ця дата обрана не випадково, оскільки 19 січня 1992 року Верховна Рада України офіційно прийняла символіку герба та прапора країни. Цю знаменну дату відзначають різноманітними заходами та урочистостями національно-патріотичного характеру. З нагоди дня герба України проводяться різноманітні мистецькі виставки, перформанси, в школах та ВНЗ відбуваються тематичні лекції, концерти, флешмоби тощо.

Як виглядає та що означає герб України?

Центральним елементом герба є тризуб, який представляє собою трискеліон, або тризубець. Цей символ використовувався на території України ще в добу Київської Русі та Галицько-Волинського князівства. Над тим, яке символічне значення має тризуб досі розмірковують науковці України та світу. Вони висунули понад 50 версій щодо походження тризубу і причин того, чому він став гербом. Найоригінальніші з них пов’язані з індійськими ведичними традиціями та кельтським слідом в історії України. Але поки що теорії, яка б достеменно давала відповідь на питання щодо того, що ж конкретно символізував тризуб в уяві Володимира Святославовича та його сучасників, не існує. Сам герб розміщується на блакитному тлі, його зображують в жовтому кольорі.

What are the large and small coats of arms of Ukraine?

The Great and Small Coats of Arms of Ukraine are two different versions of the country’s official coat of arms, which are used in different contexts and conditions The Great Coat of Arms is the official symbol of statehood. It is used in important state events, such as celebrations at the highest state level, sessions of the Verkhovna Rada, international meetings and other state events. The Great Coat of Arms has a complex composition and more details than the Small Coat of Arms. It is usually depicted on a large scale and placed solemnly on the walls of government buildings and on official documents.

The Small Coat of Arms of Ukraine is used in more general contexts. It is placed on documents and stamps of local authorities. It also appears on coins and other attributes. This version of the coat of arms has a simplified composition and fewer details compared to the large coat of arms. It has a more universal character. Both versions of the coat of arms of Ukraine (large and small) have a trident as the main element.

Great Emblem of Ukraine

Read also our article: What is a state, signs and characteristics of a state


The coat of arms of Ukraine is an important state symbol that carries many historical, cultural and national meanings. It currently represents the sovereignty, independence and strength of the Ukrainian state. The trident, which is its central element, symbolizes the continuity of the historical and state-building process. The blue color of the coat of arms represents the sky and water that envelop Ukraine. The coat of arms is an important symbol of national identity, as it unites the country and allows citizens to feel their identity.

Earlier, we wrote an article – What is a state, signs and characteristics of a state.

Answers to frequently asked questions about the coat of arms of Ukraine

What distinguishes the large and small coats of arms of Ukraine?

The Great Coat of Arms of Ukraine has a more complex design, contains additional elements, and is used for official documents, while the Small Coat of Arms is a simplified and more common version.

When and how was the current coat of arms of Ukraine approved?

The modern coat of arms of Ukraine was adopted in 1992, after the declaration of our country’s independence, and is mentioned in the Constitution.

Was the trident the coat of arms of Vladimir the Great?

No, it was a proprietary sign, the coat of arms must fit into the shield; if the coat of arms does not have a field (shield), it cannot be considered a coat of arms.

What are the versions of the trident’s origin?

There are currently more than 50 scientific hypotheses about the origin of the trident. The most popular of them are Norman, Indo-Aryan, Turkic, Slavic, and Celtic.


The author of the Portal UKRexperts

Anastasia Nikitenko


She is an expert in military science and legislation, a historian by profession, and a PhD in history. She has been actively publishing articles on legislation since 2018 and has gained considerable experience in analyzing criminal, civil, family and medical law. Anastasiia teaches the courses "History of the Ukrainian Army" and "Medical Law" to future doctors. In her articles you will find a simple and clear explanation of complex things, practical advice that will improve your legal literacy and allow you to better navigate the law.

Most often writes about:LegislationMilitary science
On the portal from 08.03.2024
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