Gaming GTA 5 game: how to play on PC, what you need to play GTA 5

GTA 5 game: how to play on PC, what you need to play GTA 5

On September 17, 2013, the world saw a new installment of the popular GTA series of games. Initially, the game was released only on Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles, but later it was ported to a computer, and later versions for new ge...

Gaming Call of duty: what is the meaning of the game, in what order should you play Call of duty

Call of duty: what is the meaning of the game, in what order should you play Call of duty

In 2020, the popular Call of Duty game series turned 20 years old. During this time, the company has offered us quite a lot of products – not only games for computers and consoles, but also a full-fledged mobile shooter t...

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