
What are soft skills, why and how they should be developed – 15 examples of soft skills

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What are soft skills, why and how they should be developed – 15 examples of soft skills
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Soft skills have a significant impact on professional activities and can determine a person’s success at work. We will tell you what these skills are and where to learn them in this article.

What are soft skills

Soft skills are skills and personal qualities that are not related to specific technical or professional knowledge. But they are essential for successful communication, collaboration and development in the work environment.

Soft skills include emotional intelligence, communication skills, leadership, cooperation, tolerance, creativity, etc.

These skills help a person to work effectively in a team, resolve conflicts, manage stress, and succeed in their work.

Who needs soft skills in their work and why

Soft skills are important for any profession and sphere of life. Here are some groups of people who need soft skills:

  1. Managers: Executives, managers, specialists in various fields, recruiters, and many other professions can use soft skills to improve their efficiency and success at work.
  2. Students and learners: Developing soft skills will help students and learners improve their ability to communicate, lead and collaborate, which can contribute to their academic success and future career development.
  3. Entrepreneurs and freelancers: Soft skills will help entrepreneurs and freelancers run a successful business, communicate with clients and partners, manage a team, and achieve their goals.
  4. Parents and caregivers: Developing soft skills will help parents and caregivers better perceive the needs of their children, communicate effectively with them, and foster valuable qualities in them.

Thus, soft skills are useful for all people, regardless of their status or professional field, as they help improve the quality of communication, teamwork, and success in various areas of life.

The development of soft skills depends on the ability to self-educate and self-develop

Read also our article: What is a framework: explanation in simple words. 5 examples of frameworks

What are soft skills – watch the video on YouTube

You can learn more about soft skills in this video.

15 examples of soft skills

The most well-known soft skills are time management, teamwork, communication skills, etc. But this is not all the knowledge and skills that can be useful at work.

Here is an example of 15 soft skills that are worth working on:

  1. Empathy is the ability to perceive the feelings and emotions of other people. Empathy is part of emotional intelligence and can be developed.
  2. Dialogue skills – the ability to effectively express your thoughts and ideas and listen to others. It contributes to a better understanding of the needs of the audience, clients, and coworkers.
  3. Leadership is the ability to manage and motivate others to achieve common goals. An indispensable skill for those who work in a team.
  4. Tolerance is the ability to respect and accept diversity of views and opinions. Openness to the world increases opportunities for the development of not only individuals but also businesses.
  5. Creativity is the ability to generate new ideas and solutions. And also to find non-standard solutions in atypical situations. See opportunities, not obstacles.
  6. Adaptability – the willingness to quickly adapt to changes in the workplace and the external environment. Quickly change previously made decisions under the influence of external changes.
  7. Effective time management is the ability to plan your time and tasks effectively, meet deadlines, and assess risks.
  8. Constructive criticism is the ability to constructively express your comments and recommendations and provide quality feedback.
  9. Effective cooperation is the ability to work in a team, interact well with colleagues and achieve common goals.
  10. Self-control is the ability to control your emotions and reactions in stressful situations.
  11. Decision-making skills – the ability to analyze information and make informed decisions.
  12. Effective conflict management is the ability to resolve conflicts and reach a compromise.
  13. Self-motivation is the ability to stimulate oneself to achieve goals and objectives.
  14. Ability to take responsibility and make decisions in crisis situations that require quick action.
  15. Ability to set and adhere to high standards of work and moral principles.

5 ways to improve your soft skills

In general, soft skills play a key role in professional success, as they help people interact with others, manage themselves, and achieve their goals.

The development of soft skills can improve performance at work, facilitate career development, and have a positive impact on overall success in professional life.

There are many ways to develop soft skills, for example:

  1. Online courses: The Internet has many resources for learning soft skills. You can find courses on platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, or Skillshare. These courses can cover different aspects of skills, from communication to leadership.
  2. Seminars and workshops: Many companies and organizations hold trainings and workshops to develop soft skills for their employees. You can join such events to improve your skills.
  3. Books and articles: Reading books and articles about non-specific skills will help to deepen your knowledge in this area. Some recommended books include: “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie and “Emotional Intelligence 2.0” by Trevor Moore and Jason Grimer.
  4. Mentoring: Finding a mentor who already has experience in developing soft skills can be very helpful. A mentor can help you solve problems, develop skills, and provide advice.
  5. Practice: One of the best ways to learn soft skills is through practice. Try to apply the acquired knowledge in practice in your work environment or in your personal life.

In general, learning soft skills can be an ongoing process, and it is important to work on improving these skills. Regardless of which method you choose, it is important to keep in mind continuous development and self-improvement.

Time management is one of the most important soft skills


Soft skills are a valuable set of knowledge and skills that help you do your job in a team or as an entrepreneur or freelancer. They help you to communicate better with colleagues and clients, plan your time or assess risks, and find innovative solutions to problems. Soft skills are essential for people of all professions and can be developed throughout life. To do this, you need to devote some of your time to self-development.

You will be interested to read another article on our portal – What is a framework: explanation in simple words. 5 examples of frameworks.

Questions and answers about Soft skills

What are soft skills?

These are communication and management skills not related to technical tasks. The most common soft skills are time management, communication, and project management.

Should I include soft skills in my resume?

Having certain soft skills on your resume adds value to any employee, so it’s worth mentioning not only the skills themselves, but also the certificates or sources that helped develop them.

Can soft skills be key when hiring?

Technical or hard skills are more important when hiring. At the same time, for some professions, having certain soft skills will be a significant advantage for a candidate.

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The author of the Portal UKRexperts

Alex Kostin

Alex Kostin is an IT specialist who shares his vision of advanced technologies in analytical articles and detailed reviews. He is an IT expert not only on the UKR Expert portal but also on NeNWS. Alex analyzes technical innovations and IT trends, making information accessible to every reader.

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