
Taurus zodiac sign: dates, elements, character traits of a Taurus woman, man and child

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Taurus zodiac sign: dates, elements, character traits of a Taurus woman, man and child
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Taurus is the zodiac sign that rules the territory of the sky, marking the beginning of the spring season in a strong and steady style. Taurus symbolizes earth, luxury, stability and natural development. People born under this zodiac sign, Taurus, are famous for their stubbornness and desire for material wealth. They are ready to put in a lot of effort to achieve their goals. They do not give up in the face of difficulties and always go all the way.

Taurus zodiac sign: dates

According to the astrological calendar, the Taurus zodiac sign is formed between April 21 and May 20, when the Sun is in this sector of the zodiac. People born under this sign are known for their practicality, reliability, and desire for stability.

Taurus zodiac sign: the elements

The Taurus zodiac sign belongs to the element of Earth, which gives it the characteristics of stability, realism and practicality. Their patron saint is the planet Venus, which gives them a love of beauty, comfort, and earthly pleasures. People of this sign have a strong connection with the physical world and value material wealth and comfort. Earth as the element of the Taurus zodiac sign enhances their natural ability to be patient, persistent, and achieve goals through methodical action and hard work. They seek stability in everything and are especially cautious in financial matters and in choosing relationships, striving for reliability and longevity.

Taurus zodiac sign: character traits

The main character traits of Taurus representatives are resilience, concentration, and stubbornness. They are characterized by great willpower and the ability to work hard. Taurus can be practical, realistic, and focused. Their actions and decisions fluctuate little, they are committed to their beliefs and are convinced of their actions. However, along with this steadfastness, Taurus people can be quite fearful of change and innovation.

People of the Taurus zodiac sign are firmly grounded and always evaluate things from a practical point of view. They are not prone to fantasies and dreams, but rather choose clearly defined goals and pursue them with perseverance. Taurus are friends and partners who can always be counted on. They are true to their promises, always ready to help, and will never betray you.

Woman Taurus zodiac sign

Women born in the sign of Taurus impress with their calm, even and sensitive nature. They value comfort and luxury and know how to create a cozy nest. Here are some key traits of Taurus women:

  • Stability and reliability in relationships.
  • Confidence in yourself and your capabilities.
  • Devotion and loyalty in romantic relationships.

Taurus man zodiac sign

Men born under the sign of Taurus are known for their solidity and endurance. They usually exhibit the following traits:

  • Ability to manage finances and resources wisely.
  • Dedication to achieving goals.
  • Love for coziness and external comfort.

Child Taurus zodiac sign

A child born under the sign of Taurus usually shows stamina and determination even at a young age. Here are some characteristics of a Taurus child:

  • Resilience and perseverance in achieving your goals.
  • She has a distinctive taste and needs comfort and luxury.
  • A reliable and loyal friend to his peers.
Taurus zodiac sign - man, woman, child Taurus - Taurus character traits

Read also our article: Gemini zodiac sign: dates, elements, character traits of a Gemini woman, man and child

Also, learn all about the Aries zodiac sign in our article.

General conclusions about the zodiac sign Taurus

The Taurus zodiac sign embodies stability, practicality, and a strong connection to the physical world through its Earth element. It gives the impression of strength and endurance, demonstrating loyalty and reliability in relationships and stability in the pursuit of material well-being.

The planet Venus gives Taurus a strong sense of beauty and harmony, which influences their choices in various areas of life, from personal relationships to home décor. Taurus is a zodiac sign that embodies the combination of the strength of the earth element and the delicacy of Venus, making it one of the most unique and inimitable signs of the zodiac.

Questions and answers about Taurus

How does the planet Venus affect Taurus?

Venus, the planet of love and harmony, rules Taurus, giving them a taste for luxury and aesthetics. This can manifest in their desire for beauty and comfort in all aspects of life.

How do Taurus react to stress?

Taurus typically respond to stress in a calm and methodical way. They may seek support in the luxury and comfort of their home environment, seeking stability and inner peace. Their natural reaction is to stabilize the situation and find practical solutions.

How does Taurus feel about change?

Taurus can be conservative in their attitude to change. They prefer to maintain stability and usually resist changes that they feel threaten their comfort or security. However, if the changes are justified and necessary, they will be able to gradually adapt, taking some time to do so.


The author of the Portal UKRexperts

Olena Danyshchuk

Olena Danyshchuk is an astrologer with over a decade of experience who shares her knowledge daily by preparing up-to-date horoscopes for each zodiac sign. Having received additional education in psychology, she was able to better understand the impact of astrological cycles on the human psyche and behavior. Olena believes that astrology is a tool for self-discovery and personal development, not just a way to predict the future. Her daily horoscopes are published on the UKR Experts portal and social media, where they are very popular among readers of all ages.

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