
Denis Kurchak

Denys Kurchak is a talented chef and culinary expert who actively shares his skills through original recipes and curating culinary content on the UKR Experts portal. Denys provides high-quality content for the Gastronomy section: he analyzes trends, provides useful recipes and expert comments on food. In addition to UkrExpert, Denys Kurchak is a culinary writer for the NeNWS Media portal.

Most often writes about:Gastronomy
date On the portal from March 9, 2024
update 2 articles
views 298 views
Latest publications
Gastronomy What is agar-agar in cooking?

What is agar-agar in cooking?

Agar-agar is a natural gelling agent that is derived from red algae such as Gracilaria or Gelidium. It has many properties that make it useful for cooking, such as odorlessness, colorlessness, and high heat resistance. History ...

Gastronomy Lazy cabbage rolls – what kind of dish is this, what are the recipes for making lazy cabbage rolls?

Lazy cabbage rolls – what kind of dish is this, what are the recipes for making lazy cabbage rolls?

Lazy cabbage rolls are a dish that includes the traditional ingredients of classic cabbage rolls, such as meat (often stuffed), cabbage, and rice, but they are quicker and easier to prepare. Compared to traditional cabbage roll...

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